Did you know your gums tell you a lot about the health of your smile? The health of your gums gives you lots of signs about the health of your teeth and whole mouth. Let’s talk about when to worry about gum disease so you’ll know when to take action.

Why Gum Health is Important

When people think of dental health, many often only think of their teeth, but gum health is also very important. When your gums aren’t healthy, it can impact the health of your teeth, but if you keep them healthy, it will go a long way toward keeping your smile healthy and happy.

Important Signs to Watch For

You’re probably wondering how to know if your gums are healthy and when to worry about gum disease. Gum disease starts with inflammation of the gums or the tissue surrounding your teeth. Inflammation can be caused by lack of dental hygiene and plaque or tartar build-up. Signs of gum disease include red, swollen, tender, or bleeding gums. If you notice red on your toothbrush or floss, your gums are likely experiencing inflammation.

If gum disease goes untreated for a prolonged period, your gums can become infected or progress to a more serious form of gum disease called periodontitis. Periodontitis can lead to receding gums, serious damage to your teeth and jaw, and dental loss.

Periodontitis isn’t curable, but proper treatment can help slow or stop its progression and limit its effects on your smile. That’s why it’s important to recognize the signs of gum disease early and get treatment as soon as possible!

Talking With Your Dentist About Gum Health

If you have concerns about your gum health, you should call your dentist as soon as possible! Having a dentist specializing in common conditions for seniors, such as periodontitis, can be helpful to ensure that you get advice tailored to your specific needs and challenges.

Knowing when to worry about gum disease and taking the necessary steps to get your gum health on track can go a long way to keeping your smile healthy and strong, so don’t hesitate to talk with your dentist at the first sign of gum inflammation!

Call our Colorado Springs Dental Office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.